Sunday, May 16, 2010

a little bit green…..

A piece of wind with crying songs,
Singer birds crawling along,
Heartless heat, scorching sun,
Being isolated is no more fun,
Smell of droplets, I can feel,
Come in front I wanna steel,
Mud, dust and my feet,
Ants, rice and some wheat,
Dead ends is what I hate,
Can I stay more, I am already late,
Don’t move me if it’s a dream,
I think I found the way behind the mountain,
A little bit wet, a little bit green…..
-Nijo Johnson

i myself don’t know…..

Night it is, but is it a night?
Red, blue, green blinking lights,
Legs n tyres competing hard,
No coin, paper or credit card,
Black road just had a bath,
Bathrobe grey walking path,
Drops jumping in my mind,
Rubber slipper flapping it from behind,
Illairaja and his rhythm,
Nee oru kaadal sangeetham,
Baloon, kids and a finger to hold,
A flag on a truck feeling the cold,
Blushing me, thinking you,
Hope and hope, to see u soon,
Same time high, same time low,
Where am I walking, i myself don’t know…..

those rainy days…..

Grizzle of a lion or bear,
more known it is, what I hear,
open and vast, what I need,
terrace is the place indeed,
breeze with a license to rash,
mud flying high, from the scratch,
trees bent I don’t know why,
may be wanna see the sky,
holes on road are ready to weep,
tears of joy will soon filled very deep,
sneeze of clouds on my face,
cluster of droplets, your voice and those rainy days…..